By Dr. Wumi Akintide.
Republicans are going to pay a heavy price for their opposition to John Lewis Voters’ Right and their opposition to the Vaccine Mandate and the Climate Change and the Infrastructure Legislations pending in Congress and all of which are very popular with American voters across the board.
It is unconscionable and totally insane that Republicans and Donald Trump are still questioning the wisdom of improvising a National Mandate for vaccines just to minimize the devastation of a Pandemic that has already killed more than 750,000 Americans and could soon kill a million more for all we know, if nothing is done right away.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing precisely the right thing by their policy on Climate Change, Vaccine Mandate and Voters’ Rights and the Infrastructure Bill.
Those 4 legislations would put the Democrats in a vantage position they have not been for a long time. Republicans have locked themselves into a rabbit hole from which there is no escape.
This Columnist has suggested as far back as February 20 roughly a month after Biden took office that he ought to seriously consider invoking a National Mandate like those already in vogue for school children against Measles, Polio, Small Pox, Mumps, Rubella and Chicken Pox and even Yellow Fever in some developing countries where they don’t have the luxury that naive Americans take for granted because they have free of charge excess vaccines that nobody wants to take but are being begged and persuaded to take by their leaders in Government.
I instinctively knew it was the way to go and it was totally fool-proof. I don’t have to be an Albert Einstein or a Nobel laureate to know that
We should ask the Republicans and Donald Trump how many more Americans they want dead before they would be open to doing something draconian to stop the carnage?
I long predicted to my son, a medical doctor more than 9 months ago that he and his wife would be forced by a national Mandate to abandon their opposition to Vaccine claiming that it infringed on their rights to freely make a choice of what they want as Americans and because according to him and his wife there has been no sufficient research and tests on the vaccines safety and efficacy.
Of course he and I disagree on that. I insist I support the vaccine if it saves just one life talk less of 750,000.
I told them that if they still need their job they should be prepared for a National Mandate which I predicted was going to come, whether they like it or not.
I didn’t have to be a Houdini to make that prediction. It was common sense. Now it has come to pass by a more rational President and I support the move one hundred percent.
The Republicans arguably want many more Americans to die on the watch of President Biden so they could turn around to blame Biden and his Administration.
What exactly was the goal and the mission of Donald Trump when he invested billions of Dollars and when he fast-tracked vaccine production to stop the Pandemic on its tracks because he claimed that the Virus was killing too many Americans.
Trump and the Republicans no longer support a vaccine mandate they had previously supported because they have figured it out that the policy was going to benefit the Democrats and Joe Biden.
If you ask me who is playing partisan politics today with the Vaccines? I would tell you, it is the Republicans and Donald Trump.
They are going to pay a heavy price at the Ballot Box for their deceit and their hypocrisy.
I can tell you right now that the Democrats are going to increase their majority in the lower House and in the Senate come November 2022 and 2023.
Democratic Governor Newsom of California is going to defeat his recall move that the Republicans have clandestinely and wickedly engineered and sponsored. The move is going to fall flat on their faces.
Republicans true to type have already conceded defeat in tomorrow’s election in California because any election the Republicans don’t win is regarded as rigged in their convoluted minds and in the mind of their paranoid Mafia Boss putative leader Trump as neither free nor fair. It is all all garbage to say the least.
Mark my words. Donald Trump is going to end up in jail and take so many Republican Congressmen and powerbrokers with him once the outcome of the January 6 Coup and other hidden scandals are exposed and they are going to be exposed without fail, and it’s not going to be pretty at all.
I rest my case.
Dr. Wumi Akintide.
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